Thursday, November 17, 2011

Is there a show this weekend?

It's Thursday morning and I log onto Facebook...

My news feed is loaded with links to the CWI Invasion Tour event page. Every few minutes another person posts a link to that event page... or one of the various YouTube videos hyping the tour... or just a link to the CWI website.

TONS of status update postings delivering one or all of the mentioned links... they're coming from CWI people, CWI workers, fans, other Ontario workers, all kinds of people.

One after the other after the other after the other


I get it.

There's a CWI tour this weekend.

Is it REALLY necessary to post a link to the CWI Invasion Tour Event Page every 15 fucking minutes?

It would be an News Feed redundant post onslaught of epic proportions if everyone posted just ONCE but many people are posting it over and over! STOP IT!

Nothing against CWI - I'm actually a big fan of their product.

But this non-stop Facebook assault is getting ridiculous!


Can we all just shut the fuck up about it now?

Or at least say something original?

Do you multiple-posters of the CWI event page link really think you're helping promote the shows?... That your incessant news feed hype is going to make even one person buy a ticket to a show that's been promoted heavily for MONTHS?...

Fuck off.

All your doing is cluttering up Facebook and being a pain in the ass.

If you really want to make an effort to help CWI then DO something! ANYTHING other than mindlessly psuedo-shilling a show by "sharing" a link we've all seen a gazillion times already. Don't just keep posting that damned event page link with some lame "Hey, Check this out" or "Don't ya dare miss it" type of comment. That's lazy, ineffective and annoying.

Just fucking stop it already.