Saturday, June 2, 2012

and the beatdown goes on

Ever hear the phrase "Wrestling goes in cycles"?

When it's applied to independent wrestling it's true... especially in Ontario Indy Wrestling.

The immediate and near future will look familiar to anyone who's followed Ontario Indy for longer than 2 months at any time in the last 10 years.

Here are some can't miss predictions

A promotion will run regular cities or towns and someone else will decide to run the same townsometimes on the same date (or within a week either side of the "regular" wrestling provider's show)
sometimes even the same venue.

Legends and out of province and out of country talent will be advertised and no-show.

Shows will cancel because of "venue issues"

Some wrestlers will complain about getting stiffed on their pay.
Some of them complain of getting stiffed again and again and again by the same promoter.
and whose fault is that?

Some referees will actively campaign to work for free.

Female wrestlers with boyfriends also involved with wrestling will wrestle more than those who don't.

Andrew Goodwin will not go away no matter how many people tell him to
(on a message board! how old-school is that?)

 Facebook and Twitter will continue to provide people within the Ontario Indy Wrestling community a place to cheapen and damage the sport, business, legacy, and future of pro wrestling

There will be fans of a promotion that drive other fans from that promotion because their behavior and attitude causes 1st time attendees to never return for a 2nd serving.

 Hard working, skilled talent will be bypassed, blackballed and bad-mouthed if they don't play "book me, book you".

Cliques will continue to ensure many other skilled, hardworking talents are not used so their less talented lazy-ass friends can wrestle instead.

Someone will land on their brains.
In front of probably less than 100 people
For what?

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