Thursday, December 30, 2010

Banks vs Suave: A Feud Too Great Not To Get Noticed

Pro Wrestling has seen some great feuds, extended rivalries between combatants who for whatever reason target each other with a focus and intensity far beyond what they show to other competitors. A great feud often sticks in the minds of fans long after the participants have moved on to other things.

Ontario indy wrestling has seen its share of great feuds from back in the day when Soulman Ricky Johnson fought The Sheik to a few years back when Bloody Bill Skullion and Notorious TID tore each other apart to more recent feuds of note like Jake O'Reilly vs Cody Deaner and Tyson Dux vs Dangerboy Derek Wylde.

2010 saw a couple feuds gain major notice and attention in Ontario... Scotty O'Shea vs Josh Alexander in Alpha-1 Wrestling and Eddie Osbourne vs Super Kamikaze in the Pure Wrestling Association. Both of those feuds are in the running for Feud of the Year in the fledgling OWIE awards and will probably do the same in the most prestigious prize in the province, the Ontario Indy Awards. 

What those feuds share with the others I've mentioned (and a whole bunch of others I didn't) is that they generally take place in one promotion in front of fans who get to witness the action and drama as it builds from one successive card to the next until the final blow-off match. Rarely lasting longer than a year at best, these feuds capture the interest and emotion of fans enough to be lauded and long remembered.

But there is another type of feud, a rarer but no less intense rivalry that may start unnoticed in one promotion but plays out across numerous feds over long periods of time. Years of battles that thrill fans who often think only that they saw a great match because the history between those in the ring hasn't been noticed, precisely because it happens in so many different promotions. Fans witness a single slice of a picture with a scope far greater than they know.

Such a feud has been happening between two Ontario indy wrestling stars for over  FOUR years. A feud that has seen the combatants clash in over 20 singles matches and even more tag and multi-man contests in numerous promotions....

Brent Banks vs Sebastian Suave is the best feud in Ontario that hardly anybody is aware of and I'm of the opinion it's about time it got noticed.

Banks and Suave went through training together at the Squared Circle Training facility in Toronto. They wrestled their first BSE Pro Wrestling dark matches against each other. Right from the start there was something that drove them to perform just a little harder when they stepped into the ring with each other... a spark of competitiveness that compelled them to seek victory with a little more intensity than normal... savor each victory as a little sweeter for having been over that foe... every loss a reason to challenge once again and perhaps turn the balance of their competition in their favor.

Banks vs Suave isn't a blood feud. It hasn't featured specialty matches like No DQ, Steel Cage or other stipulations designed to allow for the legalized spilling of bad blood because there IS no bad blood.

This feud isn't about two guys not like each other. In fact it's hard to get these guys to say anything bad about each other...

"Brent Banks is the ying to my yang, no questions asked." - Sebastian Suave

"Sebastian Suave is a great wrestler" - Brent Banks

Brent Banks vs Sebastian Suave is one of the greatest feuds in Ontario indy wrestling because it isn't about some storyline. It's not an angle. It's never been booked. In other words...


This feud is all about competitive nature and for over four years Suave and Banks have jumped at every opportunity to best the other. They don't care what promotion it's for... or where on the card the match is... or if it's them one on one or there are others in the match. All they care about is getting one more opportunity to test their skills against the other.

It is REAL competition in the so-called fake realm of simulated combat as entertainment. All one has to do to validate their love for pro wrestling is see one Suave vs Banks match. It is unmistakable, palpable, as solid as the ring posts.. what these guys are doing is special.

Suave's in-ring personality is anything but respectful to his opponents but the snobby aristocrat admits his respect for his longtime foe Brent Banks...

"I personally believe, Brent Banks is one of the best in Ontario and finally getting his recognition. However, as good as he is and as good as he will ever become...I will always be better. And it drives me crazy anytime he has a spotlight that I desire.
We can read each other likes books. I can't tell you how many times I came at him outta nowhere with something and he knew exactly what I was doing. You can tell in the way he braces himself for it or when he counters my moves.
Every time I wrestle Brent Banks, I become a better wrestler. I think we do that for each other."
- Sebastian Suave

Easy going fan favorite Brent Banks is equally generous when discussing his long time foe...

"Sebastian Suave is one tough cat. He's one of the fastest rising wrestlers in Ontario and any time I face him in the ring I know I'm in the fight of my life.
We get it done, we always have ever since our first sparring session at Squared Circle.
I don't care much for his attitude sometimes but I'll take any chance I can get to match skills with Suave because beating him is a major accomplishment wherever it happens."
- Brent Banks

It's interesting to note that neither Banks or Suave are particularly willing to call their career long history with each other a feud. They don't see their competition in simple pro wrestling terms. It transcends the parameters of words like "work" or "angle". It is personal competition as real as the air they breathe and THAT makes the Sebastian Suave vs Brent Banks feud pure pro wrestling magic.

Brent Banks and Sebastian Suave... the men behind this incredible rivalry... the men who created what MUST be regarded as one of the greatest feuds Ontario indy wrestling has ever seen... did this on their own... with no thought whatsoever about anything but testing, using and expanding their skills by pushing each other to the limits every single time they step into the ring...

These men have given Ontario indy wrestling something golden, something valuable, something with the power to uplift, strengthen and exult one's love of pro wrestling.

Brent Banks vs Sebastian Suave has been a hidden gift to Ontario indy wrestling that should be unwrapped so it can be seen for what it is... history in the making... proof positive that real pro wrestling will endure and survive no matter how many "sports entertainment' trappings the world drapes on it.

This feud started before their official pro debuts. It has raged unheralded across Ontario for over 4 years. It has no end in sight. As long as Sebastian Suave and Brent Banks cross paths they will inevitably add more chapters to this incredible story.

And it IS incredible...

A fantastic, exhilarating, emotional pro wrestling reality created in the purest form possible... the competitive desire of two men to test each other on common ground. It took root, grew and has flourished without angles, storylines or even kayfabe because it is REAL.

The fact the competition between Brent Banks and Sebastian Suave takes place within the predetermined constraints of a pro wrestling match can't take away the reality of that competition.

And you don't need to have seen their whole feud or even been aware of it to know how real it is to them. All you need to see is one match and you'll know...

Banks vs Suave is a feud too great not to get noticed



  1. One of the most REAL stories I've read in the world of indy/pro wrestling for quite some time.

    As for the overall theme and meaning of this story... it's about damn time more people notice this!

    Two of the true class acts in the local biz as well!

    Much respect!

  2. I can truly say these guys are are pros both in & out of the ring.Squared circle has been able to teach these young guys something i havent seen at a school. The amount of respect this crew has for this business is incredible. Beginning from the way they treat the fans to respect they show the older boys.This shows in the quality of the match. I am honoured that i have a chance to work with these guys now. There will be a day when I will be able to tell my kids stories about there matches while we are watching them on a Monday night..for sure
    looking forward to 2011
    good luck boyzz
    Referee Harry.D.
